Lacrima Castle
Forums Games Information

Lv. 10 Valkyrie
Party Leader
Morale: 5880/5880
Pow.Up: 120 Pts.
1: Bests Golems
2: Void Holy
3: Weak to Dark
I: Void all but Dark
Equipment: Platinum Ornament
Rusted Chain
Step Pick-up
Step Pick-up
Step Pick-up
Iron Shackles
Step Pick-up
Selected Unit: Milanor
Selected Unit: Choice #2
Opens first block of Exit Path. Opens at turn end.
Opens first block of Flone Path. Opens at turn end.
Opens second block of Exit Path. Opens at turn end.
Opens second block of Flone Path. Opens at turn end.
Opens third block of Exit Path. Opens at turn end.
Opens final block of Flone Path: Reveals Flone and Aegina. Opens at turn end.
Opens final block of Exit Path: Reveals Exit. Opens at turn end.
Changes to BF21-1 on arrival.
Ends Battlefield
Cards: 10 MVP Bonus: 9
Fixed at Evening Characters: 2
Conditions of Victory
-Find Yggdra
Conditions of Defeat
-Milanor Dies
-Run out of Cards
Enemy Cards
5700 POW
In this battlefield, you have the ability to start the process of the recruiting of a certain character. You're familiar with the character, but I won't say the name; if you want said character, defeat Aegina, rescuing Flone, then finding out who the character is. You do not have to recruit the character after you save Flone, saving her merely allows it, it doesn't guarantee it. Roswell is the best for this job, considering the evilness of the Platinum Ornament, but just about anyone will do (but you'll want that Platinum Ornament). The best way to go about this is to send your selected character West, along the Flone Path, and Milanor East, along the Exit Path. You can still easily get the MVP bonus rescuing Flone, if you plan properly.
Yggdra Union