Lacrima Castle
Forums Games Information
BF15-1 <- BF15-2 -> BF15-3

Straw Hat
Step Pick-up (Noon and Evening)
Nestle Bouquet
Step Pick-up (Noon and Evening and if TRP is greater than eleven)
Selected Unit: Milanor (Placed from last)
Selected Unit: Yggdra (Placed from last)
Selected Unit: Choice #3
Selected Unit: Choice #4
Changes to BF16-1 on arrival.
Rodney Road: Getting everyone here ends Battlefield.
Changes to BF16-1 on arrival.
Rodney Road: Getting everyone here ends Battlefield.
Changes to BF16-1 on arrival.
Rodney Road: Getting everyone here ends Battlefield.
Changes to BF16-1 on arrival.
Rodney Road: Getting everyone here ends Battlefield.
Cards: 9 MVP Bonus: 12
Starts at Last Characters: 4
Conditions of Victory
-Get everyone to Rodney Road
Conditions of Defeat
-Run out of Cards
This part lasts exactly one turn. You can finish it, and not have to deal with 15-3, but only if you were very precise with your positioning at the end of the last battlefield. Although, if you skip 15-3, you will out an item, potentially two. Move your characters as close to the flags as you can, preferably with a spear or rod user leading.
Yggdra Union