Valkyrie Profile 2 - I finally got the Angel Slayer, yay. Now to go through the game fifty times, and then on the fiftieth difficulty, go through the Seraphic Gate completely again. That is going to take a long time, if it ever happens. And it probably wont.
Yahtzee - I just got one of the bonus Yahtzees. Goo me. Yeah, I'm playing Yahtzee while I type this SO WHAT.
Baten Kaitos Origins - I'm sort of in two places at once. I'm at the very end of disk one, and the very beginning of disk two. See, I'm smart. I have TWO save slots. That's why, if I give up on those cuute birdies again, I can go back and waste time levelling up so I can actually kill them instead of having to start my game all over because the battle will go on forever. I have no idea what they're weak to, either, and the game wont tell me. :( None of this is very nice!