World of Warcraft - Reached level 80 on my Paladin the other night, got my epic flying training and mount last night and after doing Argent Tournament dailies ever since I hit level 77, I am a Champion of Stormwind. Now to farm dailies to get the pets that sell for lol4,000gold.
Knights in the Nightmare - I forget :(
This post has been edited by Enzd: Jun 11 2009, 05:03 AM
KITTI IZ 4 FITE (( 彡 彡 彡 ∧ ∧ __ 巛 彡 ⊿彡》 (,,゚Д゚)┻╋╋ ※ ο ο ο ο ο ο 巛 ゞ 彡 ソ彡 / ⊃┛ ̄ _|\│\/\/│_ \( ノ \ ZOMFG / Currently: Not working on the projects I want to finish...