Brave Story -- Last gem. Running around doing sidequests/killing optional bosses. D: Stupid Blue Dragon. Also trying to get more white goalfinches after I traded my top hitters for joke weapons. D: YAY MAGICAL BIRDCAGE. If they weren't so mind-bendingly cute I wouldn't bother with the goalfinches.
FFTA2 -- GRINDING FOR LUSO EXP. D: He's almost a full 10 levels below my top 5 clan members.
To be: The Guy-Play I Wanna Be The Guy, still awake-drink coffee, happy-party up, seen-stand up, heard-speak up, respected-shut up.
Recent Feats: + Games: - Completed Ys SEVEN (Normal, Lv. 61 average, 23:47 in-game time)
Now waiting for: - Ys I & II Chronicles US Localization (confirmed date on February 15, 2011) - FEAR 3 and Portal 2 (coming April 2011)