Dwarf FortressThe fortressI've settled in a swampy area. The land is completely flat, heavily forested, with small ponds scattered everywhere. A brook flows south, cutting the area in half. The only wildlife other than vermin are primitive slug and snail men wandering along the outskirts of the fortress, occasionally catching a bolt from my dwarf marksmen. A keep has been built alongside the brook, acting as a barracks for the soldiers, as well as a last defensive area to fall back to. A wall encloses a large area around the keep, and passes across the brook at two points. The only entrances are at these points, where gatehouses with portcullises allow soldiers to let in caravans and keep out enemies. Guarding the fortress is a squad of eight swordmasters, a squad of eight marksdwarves, and a third squad consisting of eight speardwarves. A fourth spear squad is being trained, but there have been a number of sparring... incidents (note to self - craft more chain armour for practicing dwarves). They've fought off a few goblin scouting parties, as well as a large number of thieves, while only suffering two deaths. Now all I have to do is wait for a siege.
The spear squad had been guarding the open gates while peasants were bringing lumber into the fortress. Shortly after, the dwarves were ambushed by seven goblins. The spearmen managed to engage all of the goblins except one; he decided to run away while his friends were being relieved of their limbs. The dwarves gave chase, only to be alerted to a second ambush at the open fortress gates! A mule had wandered outisde, and the goblins revealed themselves in order to kill it. This was actually quite fortunate - if the mule hadn't triggered the ambush, the dwarf ranger nearby would have. The ranger headed back to the gates, firing his crossbow at the pursuing goblins. Half of the goblins reached the gates and engaged the ranger and two war dogs that were leashed inside, while the rest had been caught by the spearmen. The spearmen defeated their enemies, but the squad leader took a bolt in the upper arm, breaking it. The ranger and a war dog each killed a goblin, but the second war dog had both right legs and its head mangled. The sword masters then arrived, cut down the remaining goblin soldiers, and caught up with the goblin snatcher that was trying to steal a baby dwarf.
This post has been edited by Wally: Sep 17 2008, 02:19 AM
Yar har ho.
Yo ho har.