It's been two years, and I currently have 40 dwarves living in my fortress. I haven't found any iron yet, so I've been unable to make any real dwarfy items like battle axes or spikey death pits. I'll just have to be content defending myself with crossbows and rock traps. I've been constructing a large above ground diorite fortress, as well as having the underground rooms spruced up. The cats I brought along have nearly over-run the fortress, so I assigned a useless dwarf to go about butchering some kittens. There isn't much meat on them, but I suppose I could make some cat skin items. My craftsdwarves have been cranking out bone trinkets to sell to the next caravan, although those pansy elves refuse to trade for any wood or bone items. They never bring anything good, anyway.
Two dwarves have died so far. The first went into a berserk rage when he couldn't complete his project, and ended up looking down the wrong end of a crossbow. Another dwarf went insane when he couldn't find materials for his project, and eventually starved himself to death. A third dwarf, Igniz, has a broken leg. He was wounded in the fight with the berserk dwarf. His leg had started to heal, but was injured again when he tried walking around. He became melancholic after that.
He just dragged himself down to the old dining hall. He's miserable, dehydrated, and hungry. He's also alone. The other dwarves are throwing a party in the new dining hall.
"What was his name again? Midale?" - When one does not remember Milanor's name.