Hi everyone.
I haven't been here in years. There's a lot to update everyone on, foremost is that: this site will not be going down for the foreseeable future. I am (obviously) still making payments on the webspace, and I have no intentions on letting this site (which has been a large part of my life, for better or worse) go under. People did a lot of work to keep this site alive and it would be disrespectful to all their efforts for me to just let it all get deleted like that. I appreciated, and continue to appreciate, the work that everyone has put into this site.
Second of all, I have spent the last few years doing hospital and medical work. It has eaten up A LOT of my time which is why it's been radio silence on my end. Further, when I finished medical school, I took a good long look at my life and decided a lot of it was found lacking, and I didn't want to be that guy anymore. There was a lot of soul searching, and a lot of awful things happened, but I'm still here, and if any of you would still like to connect, I'll be here and I'll keep my line open. If you'd like to connect on social media, shoot me a PM and I'll give you a discord or LINE or something.
Finally, Sting hasn't been dead but it has been in a passive state, which means most content updates for this site will be just slow updates to games already listed. Again, it's thanks to the tireless efforts of people who love the Dept Heaven games that the content is available, and I appreciate all their efforts.
"You don't know anything? So, what do you know?" "At least i know that i don't know anything. And i know that you know that i don't know anything. And i know that you know that i know that..." "Oh man, shut the heck up!" --- You can open LCN with your cellphone. I do it right now.