I've never laughed so hard in years. I marathonned all three seasons and am anxiously awaiting the fourth. If you need something to perk you up, Teekyuu is the thing to get into!
[05:40] <Walrus> make every post a screencap [05:40] <Walrus> with no text [05:41] <Sara> With zoomed in images of the characters faces
KITTI IZ 4 FITE (( 彡 彡 彡 ∧ ∧ __ 巛 彡 ⊿彡》 (,,゚Д゚)┻╋╋ ※ ο ο ο ο ο ο 巛 ゞ 彡 ソ彡 / ⊃┛ ̄ _|\│\/\/│_ \( ノ \ ZOMFG / Currently: Not working on the projects I want to finish...