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> The dream diary topic
EmperorGarlot XD
post May 16 2014, 07:13 AM
Post #496


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I fear the day that I experience that for myself if I do. Sounds absolutely terrifying from the stories I've heard from other people.

Anyway, my hype for the upcoming Watch_Dogs has gotten so strong, that now I'm starting to have dreams about it.

A few days ago, I was dreaming that I was walking around as Aiden Pearce inside of a local Chicago high school that suspiciously looks like a mix of the two high schools I went to. (I had to go to two because that's how you progressed. One campus for 9th and 10th grade, and the other for 11th and 12th. The former school was built with a circle motif while the latter had more straight hallways.)

I was looking around for info from the students' smartphones to see how that info differs from the info I have seen in Chicago. Most just displayed stuff like "*Insert popular boy band here* fan" and "failed ACTs" with pretty much all of them listed their occupation as "Unemployed" for obvious reasons.

I was following around a girl who was on her cell phone (funny, seeing that my schools had really shitty cell service.) I almost intercepted a texting log she was in, which would have triggered a side quest that I could complete. Unfortunately the door she entered locked behind her which cut my cell phone's ability to hack into her phone.

Knowing that I'd probably be called out for creeping around the school and had the cops called on me if I stayed around, I acted as a lost parent, asking a nearby teacher for directions out of the building. Which I eventually exited and got into my car and drove off, which was when I woke up.

Can it be the 27th now? I've waited for almost two years for this game to come out.

This post has been edited by Midnight: May 16 2014, 07:14 AM

Emilia... Half-sister of Emperor Gulcasa/Garlot... Descendant of Brongaa Dragon of Purgatory: From Moe... to Yandere /e3 /lv
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post May 19 2014, 07:26 PM
Post #497


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I had two dreams. One was a cross-over between Star Trek: TNG and The Walking Dead. The other one had me waiting to do a job interview. There were puppies, and one guy kept giving me advice involving remembering what signs say and being able to recall three items in my backback.

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post May 20 2014, 06:06 AM
Post #498


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Dreamt that my family moved to a new house with an unfinished basement. Drywall and insulation were up in most places but there were holes in the ceiling where bugs around 5 inches long would come out and take my food. They were also sentient and disregarded my personal space, which bothered me more than the fact that they were GIGANTIC. How rude.

         KITTI IZ 4 FITE   ((       彡 彡 彡
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\(  ノ                 \   ZOMFG   /
Currently: Not working on the projects I want to finish...
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post May 24 2014, 11:36 AM
Post #499

Baby Chocobo Cuteness

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Dreamt one of my friend's family was a family of psychic users. They were at war with another family who had some other power. People close to my friend's family could also gain temporary psychic powers, mine was seeing glimpses of the future. My friend's brother had the power to move objects around and use them as eyes in order to spy and provide security.Apparently my friend was MIA or KIA which is why I was helping his family fight the other family.

I once saw Phoenix Wright cosplay at JACON...
I thought my eyes would shrivel up.
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post Jun 22 2014, 09:32 AM
Post #500


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I was on a car trip through some mountainside village with my "family" (Who were not my family) which kept growing in number. I discussed actual real-world politics with some guy while some robed people served us deep fried cakes that tasted awful.

Then there was something about going through some store on Christmas, and they had a train you could ride through the store for some 'event'. I somehow glitched the ride so it'd keep giving me Christmas presents, Summer food samples, and prizes.

Then the main dream took place in some dark castle which was also some kind of academy for knights and magicians. So dark you could barely see, and I was some kind of intruder infiltrating the place for some unknown purpose. The real frightening thing was that if I was caught, i'd be killed immediately, and everything was extremely realistic. So imagine a stealth game using your actual athletics and your only perspective is through your own eyes. I went around setting these beacons around at key points, being paranoid about being caught by all the patrols, to the point where it felt like my heart would give out. Then I did eventually get found out, and spent a while running from this whole army of scary looking people who would predict everything I did. Never did find out how that ended, though.

This post has been edited by Rosetta: Jun 22 2014, 09:36 AM

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post Jul 15 2014, 02:31 AM
Post #501


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I had a nightmare where my teeth started falling out :(

To be: The Guy-Play I Wanna Be The Guy, still awake-drink coffee, happy-party up, seen-stand up, heard-speak up, respected-shut up.

Recent Feats:
+ Games:
- Completed Ys SEVEN (Normal, Lv. 61 average, 23:47 in-game time)

Now waiting for:
- Ys I & II Chronicles US Localization (confirmed date on February 15, 2011)
- FEAR 3 and Portal 2 (coming April 2011)
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post Aug 5 2014, 01:31 AM
Post #502


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Dream #1
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Dream #2
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Dream #3
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post Aug 8 2014, 06:51 PM
Post #503

Casual Chatter

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So a lot of stuff happened but the main thing I remember about my dreams was that I was watching a 'Halloween' movie, or I guess several of them. Except, of course, the one I was watching was nothing like the actual movies.

The movie used the Halloween theme a lot but I don't think Michael Myers actually made an appearance, instead there was this doctor/surgeon guy that carted around an operating table. A lot of the deaths involved someone laying on the operating table, a cloth being put over them, and... something would rip through their stomach, and you'd see some kind of shape form in the cloth around that area.

There was a plot, but what I remember of it doesn't make much sense. The heroine knew this guy, I guess he saved her somehow, and then there was this other woman. There was a scene where the other woman took off her clothes and revealed she had a medallion around her neck and also one around her waist, I think the guy was about to do the same thing but that didn't happen. Anyway the medallions and their placement had something to do with fighting evil.

So I was watching all this at home in the middle of the night. I took some kind of corned beef sandwich out of the refrigerator to heat up but it was already hot. While watching the movie I kept looking down the hallway thinking Michael Myers was going to appear outside of the movie. He didn't.

Air conditioners are just glorified refrigerators.
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Suzu Fujibayashi
post Aug 8 2014, 08:49 PM
Post #504

Apparent Racist

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I was trying to collect coins or something while underwater and holding my breath, and something about an S-Video cable...

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post Aug 10 2014, 05:44 PM
Post #505


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Oh, I just remembered that I've had some very short chat channel dreams and Atma was in all of them, as if she had never left.

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Things change, things really change
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post Aug 11 2014, 02:41 PM
Post #506

Towards some blank infinity

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Dreamed the earth was infected with something and under quarantine. Much of the population flees to Giant City ships. I was part of the Avengers or S.H.E.I.L.D or something infiltrating one of them that was suspected to be an Alien ship that had either started the worldwide infection or was at least exploiting it to get their hands on human specimens. Each city ship has varying levels of stability, one was like Mega City One from Judge Dredd, where gangs rule the city and war over turf. Another was barely surviving its own malfunctioning Climate control (Antarctic Hurricanes/Storm). My weapon of choise was something like a miniature Jousting lance but small enough to wield like daggers/throwing knives between my knuckles. I could change their size into full lance size; they could also be made to explode; or shatter on impact etc. I had to stop the Frozen hurricane by leaping into the center of it with a handful of thermal explosive ones. I'm not sure if I survived that one.

A ship we visited was in the middle of being quarantined due to an infection outbreak. At one point we had surrounded a Fire escape exit where there were armed kids outside (Kind of Middle School/Elementary school age). We told them to drop their weapons (MP9s and some high caliber pistols I think) and we would take care of them. One girl refused but told us she would send over her brother. He was sent over to us unwillingly but with her combat vest and ID. We scanned the ID anyway (at a range, halfway between them and us) and it said that she was not infected. We either surmised or checked our known Database of civilians and came to the conclusion that he was infected. Before something was worked out, one of the less mentally stable kids somehow got their hands on a combat helicopter and opened fire on us killing some of the agents. I remember someone saying something about being "too soft on kids." One of the female agents fired a handgun shaped RPG launcher into the helicopter and took it out (It fell out of view, off the building). At some point I think we were getting ready to toss Iron Man's lifeless suit off the building but he was revived and got mad we were ready to off him so quickly.

In another city ship we investigated for alien interference Hulk was rampaging but was sort of allowed to lead us. He went into this weird well/water tower area that was emptied and people had taken shelter in. I tried to get him to attack a certain wall because it was only plastic tarp or something not as hard to smash as brick, but he wouldn't get it. He gave up and just went around it. At one point we must have come a cross some weird combination of Insurance company/Magic: THe Gathering convention because there were Adjusters checking cards against artist proofs to find counterfeits (which is a terrible way to check for counterfeits anyway). I told Hulk to rampage a bit and tried to grab a stack of old cards to check them but accidentally grabbed a stack of artist proofs. I met a couple of friends I had back in High school and found out that they also played Magic (they don't).

Lots of whacky stuff happen, we beat the aliens; the infection is stopped; and the day is saved (kind of).

[13:27:43] [Sabator] peter would be the worst batman ever though. "turn on the bat-signal" "right!" *turns on huge foglight, beams an image of striped pantsu into the sky*
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Sabaku no Gaara
post Aug 12 2014, 03:35 AM
Post #507

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Had some really weird dream the other night when I was dozing off while relaxing. I was in one of those farm-y houses you see in movies where it's night and there's only one random light post somewhere nearby illuminating the front of the house, but you can still tell there's fields of corn or whatever eeeeverywhere. There was a version of my room there, and I was sort of falling asleep on my bed there(sleepception omg), but paralyzed while even remotely sleepy. So I was just halfsleeping in the dream while worrying about aliens and stuff coming to do alien things at the farm house, and not being able to do anything.

Then some slightly different version where I was in a little entrance room bit with someone(family member maybe?) and bad stuff was happening outside. And then some bear holding a chainsaw that might have been a guy in a bearholdingachainsaw suit happened, except the guy inside it also had a chainsaw and was sticking it through the stomach of the suit and swinging it around like some kind of crazy bear suit wearing chainsaw guy and I was supposed to not get chainsawed. I'm pretty sure I woke up and felt very uncomfortable.

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It's been 2 years...... and things still haven't change sigh anyways my Deviantart account :D
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post Sep 1 2014, 03:25 PM
Post #508

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Dreamt about a lot of things. One of my friends from school doing parkour things on a farm; going on a trip to San Francisco and taking lots of pictures; and going to Japan with my ex-girlfriend. Very odd.

They say one should not speak unkindly of the dead, so I say "Nice try." - Lezard Valeth
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post Jul 15 2015, 07:50 AM
Post #509


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From: Still trying to skip that stupid rock.
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I was with a group of people in a speed boat with all these canals filled with water, and then there were sharks everywhere but only if the boat went into the water in a certain area, so they covered it up so sharks wouldn't happen. Then after the boat, we got into a truck to be smuggled somewhere and we suddenly ended up in Ukraine, but it was taken over by Russia and we had to stealth around to not be caught by Spetznaz.

"People who quote themselves have low self-esteem"
- Mattiator
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post Jul 15 2015, 06:04 PM
Post #510


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Something weirdly sexual, then I was suddenly called into "service" for some army during a war and was assigned this 'war office.' I snuck around an army building and found tiny replicas of old antique rifles and pistols that were somehow functional.
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