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> The dream diary topic
{EsG} Orochi
post Jul 1 2011, 09:52 PM
Post #451


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Trying to remember the dream in detail.. It was a certain journey, consisted of my family with a Rance cameo. Most of it was us screwing around, it was a kind of futuristic setting. There was a part where we went to a hospital to talk to a doctor, but what was said I can't recall. At one point, I remember wanting to swim and my father took us to a pool, but a lot of gang members or people with a similar air around them were there, but we went anyways. I shot some sort of air thing at one of the guy's girls to piss her off and we drove off while they were calling my sister a slut or something, and I told them to shut the fuck up and we all started laughing about it. Later we came back to that same location and everyone was starting a race, but we accidently joined it, and people who started off went real fast, so if we didn't we were going to get killed, so we had to go really fast on a rickety bridge. We got to the end and realized it was the wrong bridge, and it was declared some bridge by someone else and founded by us. We then were talking about who to leave or something, and people suggested Rance, but I wasn't going to leave Rance behind.

yum the other white meat
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post Jul 2 2011, 04:36 PM
Post #452


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There was a some variation of the cp_manor map in tf2 and suddenly there was a field with a small fenced area, containing 7 cats. Then all the cats had kittens but I picked the kitten that had a conjoined twin. :/
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Carnivorous Sheep
post Aug 3 2011, 12:06 AM
Post #453


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Yesterday morning was kind of wild. First I was dreaming about playing a really messed up version of Metroid Prime 2. In the middle of that the dream switched to me wandering around some creepy house; I don't remember if I was alone or not... then it went back to the game for a while before I woke up.

I was at my friend's place, and he was there but he sounded kind of weird; we talked about something related to my grandma and her telephone number. The situation felt kind of tense and he didn't seem to want me around. Then I woke up again, still at my friend's place. I don't think we talked about anything. Then I woke up for real >_> I think this was the first time I've had a dream within a dream... within a dream. I was actually staying at my friend's apartment at the time so it took me a little bit to realize I was really awake.

Last night I dreamt I was playing an MMO that had many similarities to WoW and either my character was a god or I was a hacker. Not much happened really.

EDIT: So, today I had a dream about my trip that's coming up. In the dream just about every family member I know was going and we were leaving when I remembered I needed some new shirts. We all went to the local K-mart and I went inside. I found the clothes area, but none of it looked good and I didn't have any money anyway; after a while my mom and grandmother found me and started picking out some awful sweaters, which is dumb because we're going to Hawaii >:( One of the sweaters had a plastic eyeball attached to it for some reason. Soon after that I wandered to another clothing section, then I remembered I didn't pack my nice pants or get any new shoes or ANYTHING.

My grandma and mom started working at the store without saying why, and the dream turned into Mass Effect or something because a lot of crazy nonsense started happening involving explosions and low lighting. After about an hour of this me, my grandma and mom left the store and everyone went back home. I asked my grandma when the flight leaves and she said "30 seconds", which is when I heard a plane fly over the house.

This post has been edited by Enzd: Aug 3 2011, 09:55 PM

"Though always keen and eager the sheepdog never really mastered the herding of carnivorous sheep."

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post Aug 24 2011, 07:12 AM
Post #454


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There was a weird... Combination of the plot of Looking for Alaska and some other things. There was a girl who was there and wasn't at the same time, and in the dream a dog was named Alaska instead of a girl. But the end was the same. I was walking up and down the woods, but it was a highway at the same time. Weird.

My house, that I had just moved into, was haunted. I had my mother and my brother/sister, not sure which it was. At first the house was awesome, but things started disappearing and then we would get attacked at night. We went to someone else's house to stay, and this horrible storm broke loose and started tearing up the road outside our house. But... We kept going back to the other house. We'd get attacked. I nearly got pulled under a bed. The basement flooded and my mom was trapped and a sponge was shoved in her face and she started choking. We kept getting out in time, but then the storm and some other force would just drive us back in. Guess that's how life is.
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post Sep 4 2011, 05:46 AM
Post #455

Casual Chatter

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I had a dream I was buying Zone of the Enders HD Collection at Target for $30.

It was so vivid, I thought I was actually there.

And then suddenly Target became Tartarus and I had to escape to play ZOE

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post Sep 4 2011, 02:04 PM
Post #456


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I dreamt about wipeoutHD and crossdressing friends from school.
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Sir Spiff
post Jan 17 2012, 04:09 PM
Post #457


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Some Dark Souls lore about a Holy Cleric and an Evil Witch who were enemies by day and lovers by night. In the first room there was a stained-glass window that sort of visualized/explained it. I went to the next room and killed the Dark Witch first, then went up a set of stairs and the Cleric started firing orbs at me. I defeated her and the whole place started to collapse. Became a sort of Assassin's Creed escape sequence. Suddenly I was at a park with my family. It was some huge man-made island in the middle of a lake or river, and we were walking around. We went down this elevator to an underwater museum, and by accidentally breaking one of the support pillars a giant lizard blob thing (Mimeoplasm?) appeared and started attacking indiscriminately. Each time it consumed something it grew bigger and more agile. My family made it to the elevator but it attacked and broke it. The water pressure pushed my family up but I was stuck with the blob thing.

Then a dream about being a mouse in a toyroom in a thunderstorm (which was inside the room). My friend and I were about to escape by hitting the gate with a rubberband gun but suddenly a crazy mole appeared and snatched my friend, then cracked her neck. I escaped and then started throwing up blood.

I woke up spitting on my pillows :(

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post Jan 19 2012, 02:09 AM
Post #458


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The dream was set at my grandma's house. I was there, and so were "Dusty" and "Malice"; I use quotes because these people didn't look anything like the members from here, though they were about my age. Basically the house was super haunted and a bunch of spooky shit was going down. We were besieged (probably not the right word but the best one I can come up with) by ghosts and demons and we all were running to different rooms, doing whatever we could to protect ourselves. I don't remember much else but it was a freaking awesome dream/nightmare and I'd like to have it again.
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Feral Phoenix
post May 22 2012, 06:21 PM
Post #459

Angelus Artifax

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In a huge building, auditorium with huge seating, two aisles, rows of 20 going as far back as 100 rows. The second and third tier floors were covered in sewing needles and pins, alternating up and down. I was wearing a ring from dark souls that would let me walk over them with minimal damage. People singing a hymn or something then everyone breaks out into Bohemian Rhapsody. Needle floors are covered in lava and there's a boss at the top of the building.

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post May 26 2012, 01:20 AM
Post #460

Time Waster

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I travelled back in time to my old elementary school, except it was 100 years earlier. I was given some task to entertain some of the kids there while a bunch of life-sized dolls with Scottish accents and German uniforms took AK's to fight against some zombie invasion. For some reason I sang "Rocket Man" like William Shatner did, to these kids. Then there was something about being invited to a formal party but somebody kept chasing me around so I had to put on a disguise.
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post Jun 12 2012, 06:14 PM
Post #461


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Had a dream about being relocated to a location that wasn't New York. My family took up residence in a former factory or corporate building or something, the glass windows were not sealed. One of my friends came over and outside the window we were being harassed by gypsies.
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post Jul 19 2012, 10:54 PM
Post #462


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I was some kid somewhere and had parents who weren't my real parents. Some screen on a wall kept talking to me, warning me of some disastrous fate. Then my "mother" showed me some ritual to take that screen's "soul" into myself. Then some bad guy came in and murdered my parents, and despite my going all over the neighbourhood crying for help, nobody answered except for this heroic taxi cab driver, who was like a knight or something and swore to protect me.

"Wheels within wheels..."
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post Jul 21 2012, 05:16 PM
Post #463


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Someone gave me a jar full of creepy things. I think they were supposed to be different kinds of crab, but they looked like roaches and they were all alive. Even in the dream I was grossed out.
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post Jul 25 2012, 12:27 AM
Post #464

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Two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights make a left.
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post Jul 26 2012, 03:01 AM
Post #465


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The last dream I remember having was um, a movie. Really. Except I was the main character who wasn't actually me but some 13 year-old, which surprised me even in dream-land. Anyway I was on this cruise-slash-battleship and met a lot of people who were apparently really cool, but then I had to leave because fighter planes were attacking the ship. All the friends I met had to stay, which made me feel extremely emotional and I cried a lot. When I got back home some gay kid was rollerskating backwards and some girls were in the background being girly. Then the dream skipped a bunch of years and I went on a different ship and looked a lot like Bruce Willis.

...that's pretty much everything that happened. I'm glad it went straight to dream because it would have tanked in the theaters.
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