Group: Arcs
Posts: 3
Joined: 23-May 11
Member No.: 2341
You rarely - if ever - move up in a group. You will likely be a peon for your stay. Contribute an icon by posting it in the submissions forum, or PMing/emailing it to one of the admins or myself.
Oh. Thanks. But is there any particular reason for the inability to move up in group?
KITTI IZ 4 FITE (( 彡 彡 彡 ∧ ∧ __ 巛 彡 ⊿彡》 (,,゚Д゚)┻╋╋ ※ ο ο ο ο ο ο 巛 ゞ 彡 ソ彡 / ⊃┛ ̄ _|\│\/\/│_ \( ノ \ ZOMFG / Currently: Not working on the projects I want to finish...
Group: Arcs
Posts: 43
Joined: 30-March 08
Member No.: 1717
Rai and I moved up, but that was really a one-time only thing. We figured Rai should be higher than peons for all of his code-based work he does with Sturm when he is interested, and I moved up because I check to see if we have broken links.