We are its elitists. We, who know the random variance of a thousand spells, the blood types of a thousand creatures, over a thousand blades, we can see Riviera in all its glory. We are not blinded by the differences that Riviera brings to RPGs. Nor do we ignore them. We see them, and we understand, "This is good". We see the lack of movement options as a way to free us from pointless choices. We see the lack of random battles as a way to free us from random battles. We see Practice Mode, its replacement, say to us, "For lo, I have returned to level you up, but I shall be optional!" We see that the limited knapsack, item wear, and in-battle item limit as removing all limits from strategic choices and from the "One man one weapon" rule put in place by our forebears.
*Too lazy to have a signature* @__@