One day I was just minding my own business, just browsing sites on the internet when I find out for no reason that someone has spoiled a game I was playing and ruined it for me. We here at LCN hate that with a fiery passion that is not of this world... well okay, it's of this world, but we hate it anyway. So much so that it can get people banned.
"But Ash," you are now asking, "How do we prevent such a disaster?"
Behold the
Spoiler tag. When you put those tags around whatever spoiler you have in your post, your post will come out
like so. Anyone who does not fear the spoiler can gaze upon it merely by
clicking it with their mouse. Easy.
Now you have no excuse for spoilers.
The Kitt3h sees all. And aforementioned Kitt3h will nom all if he so chooses.
Roflcopter soi soi soi.
Kitt3h nom nom nom.
...So, got any fud?