Group: Arcs
Posts: 154
Joined: 23-December 05
Member No.: 6
10636 views? This thread has the most view in Riviera section.And it almost outmatch Yggdra Union thread (10647)
And it took almost 4 years just to get this much view?Wow.... And this almost 4 year there is 1 H game,4 doujin,1 H cg pack and 3 fangame(Seraphim project,Angelic Awakening(almost) and After Riviera) that I have found for Riviera.
These 2 image here I found them though a web engine that allow me to search more image that Google cannot find.Unfortunately the site search engine die and I didn't save the author site where I found this image.
Finally a Riviera fan video.Parody of Hatsune Miku "Popipo"(I think that's the tittle) video. Yeah is at Nicovideo.What did everyone expect me to take it and put in my youtube account just like how I did in the past? Contain character spoiler which involve an ending.
Group: Arcs
Posts: 34
Joined: 14-October 08
Member No.: 1798
Wooppee after almost 3 month of no update,we finally got one : P *sigh*This is the only way that I think of to help liven this place up a bit even when gugnir announced not many excitement happened >_>