Hey folks! I recently got one of these consoles, and I need recommendations for neat JP-only PS2 (or PS1) games! It's fine if they were also released in PAL regions, as I can't play those games either.
Currently I have:
Mushihimesama Espgaluda Sol Divide/Dragon's Blaze Arcana Heart (I know, I know, I just happened to find one for ridiculously cheap. Might get the US version eventually anyway.) Dodonpachi DaiOuJou The Maid Uniform and Machine Guns (Terrible, awesome game.)
So please, recommend me some obscure stuff! I'm into pretty much everything but sports games, and preferably things that don't require Japanese knowledge to enjoy. I'm learning, but it'll be a while before I'm fluent enough to play story-based games. Things I'm most into however are dungeon crawlers, stylish action games, absolutely weird/absurd games (things like Stretch Panic, Mister Mosquito, Chu♥Lip -- but I'll also accept straight-up kusoge if it's interesting enough), and in particular I'm looking for anything like Yume Nikki or LSD: Dream Emulator, where the premise is aimless wandering and exploring a surreal world with a focus on music. I know that's a long shot, but it's always worth a try.
I'll be updating this thread with a list of the games that I find alongside descriptions of them, as to hopefully help anybody else (see: nobody) who also has one.
And I thought Saturos and Menardi had issues...- Sheba