we go. My latest fanfiction! The 1st chapter is a little short... I'll work on making this one longer then Whispered Regret, and trying my hand at a Romance/Comedy =p
I'm possibly thinking of making this one a part of a series that shall be so far just called 'Sweetberry'. 'Cause I'm unoriginal like that and really would like to have more then oneshot YggdraxRosary relationships.
Anyway, leave your reviews on, unless you lack an account or something. Then tell me here. =p
Remember! Constructive critisim will help! I think there is too much talking in this one honesty *sigh*
Oh. And yes, the fanfic's real name is Japanese. But since I can't type it here, just call it 'Bittersweet Sweetberry'. Ignore the [ on the title. It seems deleted the 2nd one.
lulz. It's the 20th fanfiction in the YU section! Go me!
This post has been edited by Suzu Fujibayashi: Jul 8 2007, 05:54 PM
Yar har ho.
Yo ho har.