Group: Arcs
Posts: 43
Joined: 30-March 08
Member No.: 1717
Where do you get your news from; which blogs do you follow; what do you do to keep yourself informed? This thread be devoted to links to any sources of information you frequent and/or recommend!
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Junge Freiheit — Newspaper of the New Right. It is a bit shallow, but considering the political climate in Germany, there are no real alternatives.
KATH.NET — Quite conservative Roman Catholic news outlet; as such, it mostly deals with news pertaining religion or ethics. — Decidedly leftist Roman Catholic site; it focuses on religious, social and cultural topics. While rarely exciting, what it reports on is otherwise overlooked.
Analyses & Comments:
Telepolis — Telepolis covers anything from politics over the economy to culture. Its articles are long, detailed, well-researched, and all-around excellent. Highly recommended.
Blaue Narzisse — Right-wing cultural magazine, whose updates are unfortunately scarce, and whose print edition is long gone. Provides good reads nonetheless.
Hintergrund — Leftist news and analyses, often aiming to correct the inaccuracies of the mainstream media. It's good for alternate perspectives.
BBC News — I doubt BBC needs an introduction. It isn't too reliable and often biased, but the sheer volume of news makes it a handy asset.
Al Jazeera — Covers otherwise disregarded topics from the 3rd and 4th world. Ironically, it is worthless as a source for Middle Eastern news, being nothing but a Qatari propaganda organ, full of blatant lies.
The Economist — Left-leaning and often flawed, but when its articles focus on something other papers haven't already reported on, it has its moments.
Haaretz — English Israeli newspaper. It's left-leaning for Israeli standards, altogether very moderate. Focuses exclusively on Israel and the Middle East.
The Jerusalem Post — Another Israeli newspaper, strongly right-wing. It's shallow and its selection of themes leaves much to be desired, but it is window into the minds of much of the Israeli public.
New Scientist — Many articles every week, covering anything of broad interest. It appears aimed at a lay audience, so it's an easy read; (free) registration is worth it.
Gene Expression — Genetics and anthropology. It goes into detail and is quite scientific, but still written in a style understandable to the uninitiated.
Dienekes' Anthropology Blog — Again genetics and anthropology, though rich in numbers, statistics, and advanced terminology; I can read it fine, but it's far from accessible.
Life's Little Mysteries — The science equivalent of a tabloid, written rather to entertain than to educate. This purpose it serves well however, and sometimes it's genuinely interesting.
Analyses & Comments:
Geographic Travels — A humble geography blog; its short posts are very informative, often providing valuable insights into political or ecological issues.
Strange Maps — Interesting maps accompanied by detailed posts on the present or historical circumstances they illustrate.
Ludwig von Mises Institute — Austrian School Libertarian site. Whether or not you agree with their positions, the economic perspective its articles provide is nutritious food for thought.
Lapham's Quarterly — Cultural magazine sporting very well-written essays, and many little snippets echoing historic opinions and perspectives.
China Media Project — Of all the sites analysing Chinese politics and media I've encountered, this one might be of the highest quality.
Krautchan /int/ — It might be full of bigots, misogynist virgins, racists, and Finnish shitposters, but there is little as enlightening as hearing first hand the stories of people living in other countries. Israeli and Russian threads tend to be particularly insightful.
Mother Jones (news), Anarcho-queer (blog), The People's Record (blog), ProPublica (news), Internet Freedom Movement (blog), Diario Matutino (news aggregate)