I finally got around to beating Knights in the Nightmare PSP, in Yggdra Mode (which, apparently, does not unlock Meria mode). One of this port's (sparse) new features is the so-called Talk Collection, where you can take a look at all the pause (and assorted other) dialogues of your characters, NPCs, and enemies you have read in-game. (…which usually leads to me beginning every round by rushing around the wisp reading what everyone has to say before doing anything else.)
Due to the sheer amount of dialogue in the game and the fact that some lines are uttered only in later rounds, my collection is nowhere near complete, but I nonetheless decided to post at least Yggdra's dialogues here, since she's an exclusive character.
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Monologue: Huh!? This is the source of my power...! *
An Old Friend: That funny hat... Could it be... **
An Old Friend: I never imagined I'd find her here... **
An Old Friend: Is it just me, or does she stick out more than I do? **
An Old Friend: I wonder if she still speaks in that funny way? **
Monologue: If I reach the castle, maybe I'll find someone...
Monologue: I just want to go home...
Monologue: Is there... no one here?
Monologue: The sky is getting dark...
Monologue: My dress feels a little tighter...
Monologue: My dress is tight... Should I unbutton it?
Monologue: Isn't there anyone here who will listen to me..?
Monologue: Just being here makes me feel gloomy...
Monologue: I'm starving...
Monologue: Aren't there any sweetberries around here?
Monologue: I think I'll stay away from the mushrooms...
Monologue: I wonder if the castle will have any food...
Monologue: How am I going to put these pieces together? ***
The Wisp: This soul... I wonder who it belongs to...
The Wisp: I bet it belongs to a very prestigeous knight...
Monologue: What a huge castle. It's much bigger than Paltina.
The Wisp: So... This soul belongs to this land's king...
Monologue: I just have to get through this...
The Wisp: I could never handle ruling a land like this...
Monologue: I'd do anything to get back to my own world!
Monologue: Where am I...?
The Wisp: ...Can I truly trust this wayward soul...?
Monologue: Come near me, and I shall strike you down.
Monologue: Even if you stay away, I will strike you down.
* Upon being given the Strawberry key item. …the source of Yggdra's power is strawberries?
** Referring to Pamela.
*** Referring to Ancardia.
As for her role in the story:
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Practically none. She's possessed by Maria after a botched attempt to… do something? after forming the contract with Zolgonark and being split causes her to fall out of the sky and to merge with Maria. Whenever there's any important conversation between Maria and Marietta, the Wisp, or any plot-relevant monologues, the screen flashes and Maria—shrouded in shadows—takes over Yggdra's body and speech. The rest of the time she mostly just mopes around about wanting to go home, having no idea where she is, and striking down any who come near her. Although she does glue Ancardia back together at the end, permitting Maria (or rather Marietta) to send her back to her own world.
The Yggdra depicted is the one from the latter quarter of Yggdra Union. She is queen already, wearing her crown and being referred to as “Her Majesty” by Pamela, but still at war with Bronquia—she mentions still needing to defeat Gulcasa—, and unfamiliar with Marietta, whom she doesn't recognise. Whether Marietta knows her from before remains completely ambiguous.
Also, Pamela mocks her in some of her pause talk:
She Who Strikes: Whoa! What's Miss Catchphrase doing here!?
She Who Strikes: Hehehe! Maybe she's a fugitive of the law!
She Who Strikes: Her Majesty must be very popular to show up here!
She Who Strikes: Wonder if she'll strike down any who come near?
This post has been edited by P.P.A.: Sep 7 2011, 05:14 PM
The Kitt3h sees all. And aforementioned Kitt3h will nom all if he so chooses.
Roflcopter soi soi soi.
Kitt3h nom nom nom.
...So, got any fud?