Heights. When I was in kindergarten I broke my left arm falling off playground equipment (I was being a stupid little kid). Cue lifelong vertigo and avoiding high places. Strangely enough, planes don't bother me at all.
Abandonment. I had a terrible mom that I'm still reversing the damage from and I fear I'll be left behind by everyone eventually someday and it'll all be my fault.
Your face. Just kidding!
Things people think are fears that I have that aren't, they just make me uncomfortable and annoyed.
Water. I just don't like sitting in pools of it. Not even baths. I like hot showers and rainstorms though.
Dogs. They all just seem to genuinely hate me no matter what efforts I put into being nice; treats, petting, toys, not smelling like a cat, not showing fear. Gotten mauled/bitten by too many of them for no fucking reason whatsoever, I have some scars. The ones that people say wouldn't harm anyone are the ones most likely to maul me, so whatever. They honestly have a fear of me. I'm honestly getting to the point where I'm completely apathetic towards them. I'd never harm one intentionally, but I'm no longer going to go out of my way for one.
im a moran who takes the internet too seriusly and got banned becuz my sister was a bitch :(