Ooh, this sounds like fun.
Actually I can see Serene with a Sneasel or Weavile. This is probably a slightly bias opinion and comes from my habit of naming all my Sneasels/Weaviles Serene.
Ledah would have a Ninetales. Period. Charizard's kickass but doesn't really suit him. And considering Ledah's personality, I can't really see him having more than one or two Pokémon.
Ein's... hard to decide, really. He might actually be the one with the starters. Then throw in lots of different types for his team. I think he would just be one of those annoying opponents that has a little bit of everything.
Fia would have almost strictly healing-ish Pokémon. Like grass types. Maybe some normal types. I'm thinking Bellossom, Chansey, etc.
Lina would have small, cute, fast Pokémon. Electric types like Pikachu and Pachirisu.
Cierra would have... er... Clefable...? >> I dunno. She's hard to decide. :/
The Kitt3h sees all. And aforementioned Kitt3h will nom all if he so chooses. Roflcopter soi soi soi. Kitt3h nom nom nom. ...So, got any fud?