So, you guys already know what will happen or something? *spoilarz* » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « They killed 5 ppl in episode 2? That means there's only 13 left. What does that epitaph mean? According to the epitaph, only eight more ppl need to die for the condition to be met... How do you kill five out of fifteen people sleeping in the same house without waking anyone? *It's just a show, I should really just relax* Obviously there is some sort of supernatural force at work. Hopefully it isn't like Higurashi no, where they do a reset of time and space every couple episodes.
To be: The Guy-Play I Wanna Be The Guy, still awake-drink coffee, happy-party up, seen-stand up, heard-speak up, respected-shut up.
Recent Feats: + Games: - Completed Ys SEVEN (Normal, Lv. 61 average, 23:47 in-game time)
Now waiting for: - Ys I & II Chronicles US Localization (confirmed date on February 15, 2011) - FEAR 3 and Portal 2 (coming April 2011)