Anyone heard of this gem? This was one of Sting's earliest games, along with OverRide and Treasure Hunter G.
I made the Wikipedia article on it (along with the one for Baroque Shooting), and here's the text.
"It takes place in a town known as Solid City, which despite being technologically advanced, is overrun with crime. Criminals are fought in random encounters in various sections of the city. Healing items are used to fix the attack robot and can be bought at a special warehouse. The player must go to the correct district for crime fighting action and the game refuses to send the player to the district that he isn't authorized to be in. All dialogue in the game is in Japanese; literacy in the language is required. The game takes place in a top-down perspective for the overworld. From there, the player can talk to NPCs and explore. The combat is handled from a third-person perspective in which the player must select commands for his turn in an attempt to defeat the enemy's mech."
If anyone can help the Wiki article, it would be appreciated.
Air conditioners are just glorified refrigerators.