Since LCN's birthday was some time in late December (20-something? I don't know gosh stop hassling me) I thought I should do something for it. But I couldn't think of anything that wouldn't take ages, so what I did was I disabled HTML in posts because that seemed like it might be a bad idea. I mean, we have BBCode. Isn't that enough for a forum? You can post here or PM an admin (Gods) if it somehow causes problems.
I also used my magical administrative powers to reduce everyone's warning back to 0 because as per the warning policy you were suposed to have your warn level reduced every few months or so with good behavior. Since none of those people have even been around anymore, I think they've earned a 0% warn level. Except for people like Rai and Ein. Those guys are the huuugest jerks and deserve max warn for the rest of their life (Ein somehow has 300 warn level in the Admin CP and the forum can't even handle that, that's how bad he is). Walrus too if I hadn't promoted him to Angel because I don't like how it looks on the Moderating Team page when a mod has more than one forum to mod. I also made Vixen1977 a mod for a super secret forum for historical purposes, even though she's definitely never coming back.
Happy whatever, maybe sure to tell everyone what a fabulous Krakkenmas you had.