I fell asleep a million times for 13+ hours, lets see if I can remember them all.
First few were Rance related, sort of. I was acting like Rance. I had a sword with me and I was walking around...I think it was a modern setting actually. People respected me though. I had a few fights here and there I think. At one point I decided to actually have Rance around in my head and he showed up. Eventually he found out about me and he was pissed I was acting like him. Once he found me we fought, don't remember who won.
The next dream or two was related to Church. My father wanted me to come along and I did, but I had brought my sword with me to show around? It was similar to the sword I had in the Rance stories. I was going to donate it because the story was about someone giving their weapons away or something but my father insisted on not giving it away, and I gave away something else. On one of the lower levels there was a sort of machine that did something, but I don't recall what it did. It was fucking up badly though. My mother wanted me to come home in the middle of a sermon, so some text came up that said "So I decided to leave in the middle of the sermon" and I tried to or something. Also the shape of a triangle inside of a fourth of a circle came up?
Last dream I was with a bunch of people that seemingly were like people from work and my sister. We went some place in Oregon apparently. The outside had a building sort of like a cabin, but on the side were two crates you'd see on trains, one yellow and one green. We were told it was a crackhouse and we were going in to "have fun". I didn't want to. I as appalled we were going but I was dragged in. The inside looked like my house sort of but it was bigger? My sister was about to shoot up and I told her she was being fucking stupid and she told me what was so evil about it, and I was getting furious, so some guy told me to stop or he was going to gut me, but I took a shovel and slammed it into his skull so bad he fell on the floor bleeding everywhere. Everyone started freaking out and wanted me dead. So I ran into "my room" and sort of passed out and had a dream in a dream sequence that I barely remember. I woke up hoping I literally woke up, but the room was all wrong: I still had my bunk bed from when my roommate was here and it was dragged to the center of the room. Went into sister's room to find someone else in there asking for her, they didn't know. Found a friend of mine through my sister and she was trying to console me I guess. Then I woke up finally 13 hours after I fell asleep.
