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> The dream diary topic
post Dec 27 2010, 09:28 PM
Post #331


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Uh...I think it had something to do with a movie or something, but random wakingupfantasizations erased it :(


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post Dec 28 2010, 09:41 PM
Post #332


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Something about magic. It started off kind of Monster Huntery, but at night and with a lot of mountains. I was trying to kill things at way higher levels than me, and it wasn't working, so someone told me to fight stuff in some other place. It was also more MMO esque.

Then I was in some place for magicians, getting taught by some crazy magic lady about magic and it involved colors and bizarre things like that. Something happened, people got magic'd, and then I was in my dorm with my roommate and Spanish friend, when a squirrel invaded somehow. We were trying to get it to leave out the window, but it just escaped somewhere else, and then we were trying to figure out how to get rid of it.

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post Dec 29 2010, 03:27 AM
Post #333


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The kitchen light was off. My dad went in there to get something to eat. After he did so, he went into my room and told me, "Turn on the light. You made me hungry by leaving the light off." and left.

There was another dream where my uncle was being stupid, but I don't remember much about it.

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post Dec 29 2010, 03:36 PM
Post #334


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My house was plagued by demons and ghosts. I came home through the back door and they were already about to kill my mother, and I used a bat to kill them. Also took out one of my cats. Went into my room and did the same. I thought about if my mother died because of it, we should go and sharpen our weapons. And I mentioned jokingly about getting a new longsword because the swords I did use were too short and I wanted more range. Then someone who looked like my stepfather came in and I was about to kill him too because I thought it was another demon, but it was a friend of my sister's, and I mentioned something like "Oh, thats good, haha, for a second there I was about to go "welll, lets go beat his ass!".". Woke up soon afterward.

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post Dec 29 2010, 04:49 PM
Post #335


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I think it involved princes and stuff.

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post Dec 29 2010, 08:55 PM
Post #336


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Relived the entire day I had yesterday as if I were watching a replay of it.

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post Dec 30 2010, 06:40 PM
Post #337


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The first part of the dream I don't recall. The second part I remember walking into my living room and my father and mother were arguing with their spouses there. Later on my father came over and tried to make me believe his side. Obviously I listened while trying to filter out bias. Supposedly she had some idea of the universe like it never expanded and it was always "near the door" and there were "infinitely many doors". I thought to myself then "Well, really, I don't agree, the universe is constantly growing and expanding." or something.

EDIT: I remember an earlier piece of the dream. My father took me out for breakfast, but the sign that you order off of was WAY too low for any vehicle, and the car barely made it. I had to jump into the window just to order something. I sat on the counter waiting for service.

This post has been edited by Elnendil: Dec 30 2010, 06:47 PM

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post Dec 31 2010, 06:50 PM
Post #338


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Driving around town at sunset, but the sunlight reflected off of a glass building would cause it to melt everything in sight. Then there was some subplot about getting new tires for someone...must have had cars on the unconscious mind.

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post Dec 31 2010, 08:37 PM
Post #339


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I vaguely remember one plot but very much remember the other. The first one was that some power wanted to rule the world, someone in Germany,and they succeeded, and I was upset obviously, and went there? He lived in this very nice building, and to the right was a library. I unloaded my gun and went inside, saying that I didn't want to bring an armed gun in a place of learning, and the librarian thought that was good. Actually, I believe this was a post-apocalyptic sort of thing, as there were many "old" books, some of the garfield books were there too, lol.

The other one was pretty damn dark. Three boys were apprentices of said man. I would almost go as far as to say of thinking of Huey Duey and Louie. At some point, lets stick with those names, Huey and Duey (Its not really them) decided to do something against their master, and were killed. They were his children too. Police asked around about the murder but the charges were dropped. So it was just the last child, and he had an inkling that he did to it, and wanted revenge. But his master decided to kill him first. So he tried escaping from his study into this very long cave. He was looking for some glowing stone to get powers? Tripping and trying to get away. Before he could touch it his master was already there and butchered him, and smeared his blood on the back of a picture of him and kept it. One day, he noticed the picture was gone and the entrance to the cave was cracked. He looked inside and got his head blown off. Then I woke up.

This post has been edited by Elnendil: Dec 31 2010, 08:39 PM

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post Jan 1 2011, 08:24 AM
Post #340


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Well, a dream from the other day: I was in a large, grassy field with a huge tree in the center and a pond near it. There was a lot of wind and there were clouds of white weedy things floating in four areas. I started rolling around and somehow began bouncing off of the grass and flying through the air, which was a ton of fun.

Eventually I stopped bouncing around and saw some woman dressed in really old-time clothing dragging a very young girl who I'd say was 11 or so up to the pond. The woman took a newborn baby out of her dress and threw it into the water. She saw me, but didn't freak out or anything; she actually seemed kind of happy, which made the scene even more unsettling and creepy to me.

Today's dreams: My parents were watching some Christian awards show and I was in the room with them. They went to bed or something and left the TV on while I went into the kitchen. Robert Englund came on the show and started talking about stuff, including the "gays that killed Christ".

Soon after it started playing movie clips of, I assume, Englund in various monster roles. One of which included a zombie bear that breathes fire. Yeah, it was as awesome as it sounds.

In the next dream, I was wandering around a store with my gift cards, looking for the Men's clothing and shoes area. I kept running into this girl who I, in the dream, thought had a crush on me. She offered me something related to GEDs which I turned down in the exact same way I would in real life, then she started making me feel something that had tartar sauce spilled on it, complaining that someone didn't clean it well enough.

This post has been edited by Enzd: Jan 1 2011, 09:07 PM

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post Jan 1 2011, 04:08 PM
Post #341


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Something about a world submerged in water, banana shaped tables, underwater trains, and a sword made of stone.

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post Jan 1 2011, 06:15 PM
Post #342


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New year's dream. Don't remember much besides fishing.

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post Jan 1 2011, 08:10 PM
Post #343


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Um. I think it started off about a video game. Some tiered floor game with areas to the floors, maybe some boss, definitely robots. I know there was something more complicated about it, with a hint of oldgamefromthose"99arcadegame"DOSdiscs. I was looking for a spot called Bug Storm to get stuff from robots(the name of one of Fiorun's attacks), and it was in some spot at the top all along.

Then I was wandering through my old town. I came out of some place, and was walking to the highschool to get my sister, even though she drives, so I decided to walk up the hill and walk home like old times. Except there were a lot of new buildings, and crossing guards in random spots. So I crossed at a few places, and made it to more changed areas. At some point I took off everything but my underwear and backpack, and got to this really redbricked building area. I think it was supposed to be part of some other town, but I found a bunch of people I knew from years ago there, and someone said it was a mall complex. I followed a couple of people to this weird amusementpark or tonsofofficebuildings or something, and we all got this tour thing. It would have made a great James Bond level. Weird staff members were explaining things, and we got food, and then finally my old Spanish friend and I were playing some card game. We got premade decks and had to split the cards into seven groups, thickest at the first group, and we'd duel starting from the first into the last, changing as we won. There were a lot of robots in the cards, and I think it was all on some electronic board, monitored by some computer. So we'd get random ores or whatever each turn and they'd show up on our side's counter for it. We were on the second set when we started getting confused about the rules, and that's it.

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post Jan 2 2011, 08:32 PM
Post #344


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Something about a girl being a robot or an alien and not being able to be in my party and me carrying a helmet that looked like a television and my friend's house having a fireplace/bowling alley.

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post Jan 2 2011, 09:08 PM
Post #345


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Started at my cousins' house, where we were playing a board game or videogame that spread across multiple rooms, I think it involved Sonic. Dunno.

Then I was at a school again, and the building was really brown and woody, like my old dining room floor. Our lockers were these weird terminals along the walls at random intervals with three digit numbers, I think mine was 531 or 351 or something like that. Except some had repeats of the numbers. The code to access them was something like my PIN number, and the LCD would flash when the owner gets close. My ID might have had something to do with it too. Classes were sort of collegey, where they weren't on every period. Something happened and I had to get to my locker, but got lost because it was extremely confusing. Something else happened at the lunch room involving chicken patties and some person. Last I remember was in the gym, with some old gym teacher of mine, and volleyball. We had to punch it towards someone with some kind of "solid" hand gesture while the other person popped it up with a single hand back. It was really stupid, and I wasted some time, then we all had to get into groups to do it.

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