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> The dream diary topic
post Sep 18 2010, 12:22 PM
Post #136


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Somethingsomethingsomething about transformers and Prince Caspian. Then I'm in some basement and on my left is a restaurant booth where someone (Prince Caspian?) is talking with either Optimus Prime or Aslan saying that Optimus Aslan does not have the best plan for his life and then comparing it to the dim bulb in the lamp on the table. I reach to the ground and pick up a bulb that I identify as brighter and am about to show it to them when I turn around and kill some grunts from Halo Reach. I mutter something about hating calculus and turn back around to find the booth is gone, instead some Elites/Brutes are hiding behind a bar counter and my calc teacher is serving drinks. I toss a grenade over the counter and pull my teacher out of the way as a subspace drive hidden behind the counter explodes. A battery accidentally falls into one of three barrels containing root beer and I take them out the door on my right to a boardwalk/marina area. I remove some winter gloves to use my latex gloves underneath (Blaming Rhia/Walrus for this) search the first, find nothing. After I find the battery someone I identify as my grandfather runs by with a pillowcase-sized bag (or possibly a pillowcase). I run after him and ask him what he's doing. He says he doesn't accept sweet cereals. I tell him he can just mix them like frosted flakes and corn flakes and he relents. I take the pillowcasebag from him and my dad starts pouring in kix into what appears to be cap'n crunch berries in my bag. My mom, her friend, and her friend's daughter arrive. My mom's friend has just gotten out of the hospital after getting her legs burned. Everyone starts walking away except my mom. I reach into the pillowcasebag and find there's also a bag pretzel bits so I start eating them. I realize that the beach/boardwalk/marina area has changed into a basement that I identify as mine. My mom asks me if we can change my window and I have no idea what she's talking about. I initially think she's talking about replacing a single window that's been letting in too much sunlight so it heats up a lot; but she's actually talking about the AC unit above a double window that's been messing with the temperature upstairs or something. I tell her that I haven't even touched it. She says okay and we start playing some mmo-fps game. In the game a whole bunch of people are attacking a Hunter from Halo. I turn to see my friend and my roommate drive by on motorcycles. They're making fun of people who customized to have armored cargo shorts at the price of having everything not covered by said shorts removed. We turn the ocrner and I see a huge city.

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post Sep 18 2010, 03:31 PM
Post #137


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Um. Something happened, and I was stuck in some undergroundish area. There was me, some foot soldiers, some elf? warriors, and the king/queen. It reminded me of a really messed up combination of MOM and Quake. So I had to go out and do stuff, people kept dying, really bizarre monsters, and finally there was just the king left, so I had to kick him while his tentacles weren't attacking me. Eventually we go back above ground and other stuff happened. In usual walrus-dream progression, the same stuff happened again, but slightly different. The king guy explained how certain passages would only open after every person of a certain race was dead, like those boss statues from Metroid, except more people. Then it was Super Mario World, and I found a secret level off to the side of the other areas, and they seemed to keep going. So I went through them a while, had a trusty Yoshi that turned into some messed up seal thing when you jumped off of it. Eventually we were in some "tag" match with the other people there, running around some weird maze and stuff, trying to find the right door to get to the end. Then I "woke up" and something about capture cards.

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post Sep 18 2010, 05:38 PM
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Dreamed about a song. Nothing else was involved. I just dreamed about one song on constant repeat (no music was playing when I woke).

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post Sep 18 2010, 07:46 PM
Post #139


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These are some dreams I had a few days ago.

The first one involved me watching Star Trek: The Next Generation, but the actor who played Data was different and I was really disappointed with that. I also played some sort of Star Trek SRPG... I don't really know why I had such a TNG-themed dream.

In a different one I was watching a soft-core porno. It was set in a big hotel room or apartment or something, and there was a really girly-looking gay guy who put some other guy in a different room, which is where he stayed for the whole dream and never made another appearance. Then these two lesbians showed up; they talked with the gay guy and eventually they started having sex but I don't know why. Oddly, penises were being shown, and the lesbians had them too... but anyway, it wasn't very arousing.

In the next dream, I was playing a fighting game made by STING, but the characters in it were new and seemed very mech-like. There was a card system, but I'm not sure what they did in battle. Outside of fighting, each card had a video clip; I went and checked one labeled "Grim Angels" and watched a video of someone (who looked like my aunt) dressed up as Malice and walking around a city.

I had one just last night, but all I really remember about it was me punching some ugly fat guy, occasionally in the balls.

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post Sep 19 2010, 01:02 PM
Post #140


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Something about Star wars where Anakin and Obi-wan are fighting. Obi=wan is trying to explain the balance of the Force with the example of a stick with a White flower on the end, but Anakin is colorblind and sees white as black.

Second dream is Dinosaurs in this basement area. All these eggs are hatching in a small room, so me and my friend close and lock the door. We run down the hall, close and lock another door, and we pick up some shotguns. We can hear the dinosaurs break through the first door so we run up a hill to another set of doors (a giant svannah area inside a building?) and I pick up a sniper rifle. We make it to the final doors and lcok them too as we peer through the window. The dinosaurs bust through the hallway door and start charging up the slope. I only take out a couple before they surround us, but I use my last shotgun to kill myself.

Third dream is, me, my friend, his ex-girlfriend, and some other girl leave church for a bit in his car and drive through some town. We stop at a store to buy cream cheese and I realize the other girl doesn't really like me. When we get back to church a whole bunch of my friends from college start running down the sidewalk singing "Shots" by LMFAO.

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post Sep 19 2010, 02:54 PM
Post #141


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More messed up dreaming, can't remember it enough to explain it sensibly. There was some part with a bridge, and my mom driving up staircases and stuff. But then we couldn't figure out how to get the car across since it was a shaky wooden staircase bridge. Somehow funerals with notdead old people at my church made their way in, and Knuckles was going insane in some river somewhere.

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post Sep 19 2010, 07:05 PM
Post #142


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So, me and my parents are signed up for some space job, where we go into space, do something, then come back to Earth and get $400 each; but we have to wait until there's something to do up there, so we have to stay in this hidden base until then.

There's a pool in this base, but there are PIRAHNAS and supposedly SHARKS in it >:( Above this pool is a platform with a ladder attached. My mom went up there to do something and one of our dogs followed her somehow. I climbed up to get the dog before she fell/jumped into the pool of death and my mom started shouting at me and telling me to leave her up there; I yelled back "SHUT UP YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT", then she got really mad and threw our dog over the nearest wall since apparently that room had no ceiling. The dog somehow survived.

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post Sep 19 2010, 07:55 PM
Post #143


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Something about a woman and her child having a shootout on my lawn with me. At the very end I shot a rocket at the car they stole and were trying to drive off and I apologized for doing it before doing it. Woke up after since I noticed I was asleep and needed to wake up so I just sped the process up by doing that.

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post Sep 19 2010, 08:31 PM
Post #144


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Haven't been able to remember dreams much lately :(

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post Sep 20 2010, 10:47 AM
Post #145


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Was having some Final Fantasy Tactics dream, but by the end Delita became Gold Roger and we all went to space. We THOUGHT we snuck onto his ship, but it turned out to be one of his partner's ships. There were evil monkeys and nice monkeys, and we ran into the nice ones and they offered to help us get onto Gold Roger's ship because it was guarded by force fields. One of our friends got captured and we began to argue how to get him back. That part of my dream ended with my crew and I about to cannonball a poor lackey into the force field to break it.

The next part was a dream about a game I had never seen. I was in some kind of police station/asylum, and there were monsters everywhere. I got further and further in and realized I needed to save. About that time I realized I was playing some new version of Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem. For some reason I want to say Dusty was in it. The only thing I remember very clearly was crawling under some wreckage to get into a room and coming out a skeleton for a while. I went to a phone to save (I guess that was how you saved? I don't really remember how it worked in the actual game), and I needed some phone number. The dream ended when I went to go get the manual to find the number.

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post Sep 20 2010, 12:05 PM
Post #146


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There was some mother with a daughter, and another daughter that died but nobody knew about because it was with some other guy and she didn't tell anyone, and probably some aliens, and then more Sara-blamable stuff.

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post Sep 20 2010, 04:24 PM
Post #147


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it was a really weird dream. and i didnt liked it because it looked too real, and... i could feel the things.

it starts with me sleeping in some kind of window, you know those fancy windows that you can seat and sometimes even sleep, well, i was wearing my traveling clothes. then, a girl came into the room, she was not too small, and was wearing a kind of a dress, it was pinkish, a cute tune of pink with some cute faint drawings on it. dont take me wrong but she was a real beauty, not huge breasts, nice curves, everything fitting she looked just like angelical utopia. her long hair was black and she had a real beautiful pink lips, her expression was so warm, i guess i fell in love with her.
well, she came near me, and i was still asleep, then she gave me two kisses, sweet and kind kisses. it was really something, i woke up and the first one i saw was her, smiling with a godlike smile. her eyes were shining.
i was happy, but then suddenly i fell worried, she sat right next to me and we spent the morning chatting. then, she told me that she loved me and she didnt wanted me to go.
i told her a story about a girl who i had to leave behind, because she found someone better to live, and with tears on my eyes, i stood up turned to her and said: " lets go down, people are waiting us for breakfast ". then she let a tear slip through her eyes, and we left together through the door.

the end.

this dream left me with a weird feeling... that im feeling until now.

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post Sep 20 2010, 04:43 PM
Post #148


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All I really remember was a weasel somehow got into our house and I let it out before anyone else noticed, then later a beaver got in and at first glance I mistook it for a giant roach.

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post Sep 20 2010, 09:18 PM
Post #149


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First dream was about going to a hospital to see someone, but the routes were blocked off, so I had to go into someone's room to crawl my way through the vents to reach where I needed to go. Then I finally reached some doctor I was supposed to see, and I was told that I needed to get some big needle to extract a bunch of blood for testing. Then he ran off, so I chased him down all around town to get it done, and then after tons of blood was extracted, I was left with a bleeding hole in my arm that he wouldn't bandage and I was too weak to move after all the blood loss and fell unconscious.

Then I was back in elementary school for some reason, except everything was taking place in some sort of theme park in which you had a room full of junk to yourself so you could make things with it with something like alchemy from the Atelier series. But then I was in a classroom being picked on by the teacher who kept asking me and only me to answer questions that had nothing to do with what was being taught in the class and everyone laughed at me for getting them wrong.

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post Sep 21 2010, 12:09 PM
Post #150


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Those dreams soud like jerks. :(

I dreamt I was watching some Cyborg 009 movie and liked it a lot. Except when I woke up I realized that it was very awkward for a movie. 009 kept saying "________... IN MY HOMELAND." in various situations throughout the movie. That's... pretty much all I remember. PROBABLY FOR THE BETTER.

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