Alright, time for some excitement here in the place nobody every posts. I'm collecting Kitten information because it's necessary and I like Kitten a lot. I also like kittens, and I've been known to wear mittens, but don't expect me to have anything written down. Most of the information I've gathered so far is on Google, in a wonderful document form, that doesn't like how I format things. With the help of a certain Rhia, I have a nearly complete list of weapons and their various pieces of information, and a semi-complete list of skills available to all of the classes.
I intend to write up detailed profiles of each enemy class, including bosses, and compile the enemy(and possibly field) data for the 90ish scenes in the game. Perhaps some game mechanics the game itself doesn't explain very well, too. For anybody willing to help, I hope you have the game. I probably missed something important, but it's late so I can blame it on streetlights.