I got a flu shot and a tetanus+pertussis shot on the same day in separate arms. The person who gave the flu shot took 10 actual seconds to give the stupid thing, so I was sitting there with a needle in my arm for 10 seconds wondering if she was even paying any attention to what she was doing. It proceeded to bruise and bleed. Actually bled a surprising amount... She told me that the tetanus shot hurts more, and I was prepared for 10 seconds of prolonged pain. But it was one of those automagical needle things, so it wasn't that long, and didn't hurt much at all. The next day, I whine about flu shot because having musclepains there in addition to being bruised there was pretty lame. Tetanus shot didn't seem to even exist.
The next day after that I wake up early in very great pain in the tetanusarm. I spoke loudly some of the phrases that appear
in this video, but I also want you to know that telling you that is just an excuse to post the video. The thing looks like a big old bug bite now, and even itches like one. What kind of shot hibernates and then becomes terrible days later? And why do I have to deal with all of this just because of vaccinations? I mean jeez I already have to deal with the super autism from getting three different flu vaccines plus tetanus plus pertussis. Thanks, Obama.
I quit the tennis club because of armspain. It's not like we ever played tennis anyway...