May I have the eternal winter back, please? I just took a walk (4.7 km!) and came back bathed in sweat although I was dressed lightly already, and had to take a second shower. Also, there were bikers everywhere along my route, and you had to take care to dodge them all the time. People sat on every benched I passed, and thus I was walking manually half of the time. Summer, please leave me alone.
I also saw three jetski riders rushing up and down the water. Then, one of them came to a halt. The rider fumbled with his machine, but to no avail; the second one noticed and turned back to help him, and called out to the third, but he was not paying attention and thus kept going. The two tried to restart the machine, but had no success before I had already walked out of sight. On my way back, I saw the fire brigade driving past me with a boat in tow, which they proceeded to lower into the water. I assume they had received a call from the jetski riders, and were moving out to help them. That feel when there are stories playing out outside of your room, and you only need to step outside to see them unfold.
