He can't know that. He doesn't know how time works. AND RAI I DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW YOUR SENTENCE MAKES THE UNIVERSE IMPLODE First: They might be pointing out a positive. Some people avoid talking about themselves to the point of making it impossible to form relationships with people. Second: Pointing out a flaw about oneself would actually, to me, indicate a whole damn lot of security, perhaps to the point of arrogance, because they are willing to admit to their flaws at first meeting (assuming, of course, it's a flaw - subjective). Third: If pointing out a flaw is a sign of insecurity, then wouldn't telling you that they are insecure be a confirmation of the flaw, and thus not be mind boggling at all, but rather be, while perhaps a bit surprising at their forwardness, especially considering their proposed insecurity issues, a completely rational following statement? (Constantly pointing out flaws = insecure, so two in a row is just double the proof?)