Umm.....could somebody can tell me who is Mistel (Her backgrounds, cards, etc) and that old, long bearded man in that battlefield.....
And for those Japanophiles, could they translate what the characters said in the scene.....It's for reference when I'm doing my fiction....all the thing that I know is that old man is a strategist and Mistel is probably his granddaughter/daughter/student which is a scythe user minus dragon.
Then, when I move a character somewhere near the mountain base, I get a was like a magic sand or something. Someone please tell me what's the purpose of this stuff....but I know, this is a reagent for making something, though I don't know what is it....
Neat trick, they escaped from the lava flow by hiding in a crevice in the earth or something, please cite this also....
Well, that's all, thank you for those who answered my question...I'm very poor at Japanese...sorry....