Long time ago why did they say that TWINS are bad? Its good you know cause its damn hard to get twins that have identical faces..blah,blahblah. Only 3 in 1000 deliveries are twins worldwide. WTF,Stupix,Moron King. It IS GOOD LUCK NOT BAD LUCK YOU KNOW!! THANK GOD YOU GET INSIDE TO BE THE 3 DELIVERIES. Poor sisters,why Yggdra was so Naive???? Cause...
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1.Why she didn't ask his father,the king WHY she doesnt have any sisters.(Cause all royal families have a ton of family members,usually.
2.Why she can't think why Luciana can enter the Holy Land cause ONLY royal lineage can enter the place??That should be THE direct answer to it.Ugh...thinking about this makes me want to give justice to the sisters....Gonna do some fanfics for this!!
Poor royals,turned into peons(????) by some STUPID,NONSENSE superstitions.Thanks...this is what I think of this....beliefs.Sorry for that harsh words used by me....(STILL ANGRY).I hope I can get into the game and...uhh...never mind