Hence the reason Nietzsche goes with you to find the Transmigragem.
I do believe that if you had Nietzsche attack Emelone, Emelone does tell Nietzsche to go find the Transmigragem and something along the lines of "The fate of the Undines is in your hands". Sure, Nietzsche also had personal reasons for tagging along to find the Transmigragem (So she wouldn't be considered an Undine outcast because of what her sister did), but so she could also practically save the Undines.
Maybe I'm looking at this wrong, but because Nietzsche fights alongside Yggdra as part of the Royal Liberation Army to find the Transmigragem, it is proof that Emelone's influence stretches far beyond BF7, except that we don't immediately see it as Emelone's influence, but rather Nietzsche's resolve.