I dunno, what you described as a constant influx of skills and where "every level feels like an accomplishment" does sound a lot like Maplestory.
The stat system, the way you fight, and the item system, and the class system, are completely different. The skills don't even work the same.
I've never seen PvP in Trickster, but I doubt that the timing is THAT impeccable. And quite frankly I get around just fine thanks to point-and-click. I've tried playing with arrow key or whatever you move with (Final Fantasy XI), and I disliked it a lot.
Well, assuming you have a mage casting his instant pyroblast with 30% damage increase and you have less than 1 second before it hits you via traveling time, as a Rogue, I can avoid it by either using Cloak of Shadows, or Vanishing. Considering I would be more likely focusing on interrupting the cast at that point, or at least trying to stop him even casting it, .5 seconds or more is a fast reaction time needed to avoid instant 6k damage. Thats never a good thing. Or, where I'm stunning someone, and I need to time my next stun in at the second it ends so that I don't lose diminishing returns on the player. Or to kick a Druid casting cyclone ( 1 second cast time ), so that I am not disabled for the fight and I can still help my team.
Or, in a raid situation, such as where a boss will randomly enrage and gain a 500% damage bonus, a Hunter will have to use a tranquillizing shot VERY quickly otherwise the main tank will die and the raid will wipe.
Hell, you don't even need to be relying on skills to have good timing necessary, fights such as Netherspite involve having to constantly shift your raid's position around the room so that someone is always blocking constantly moving and interchanging portals that buff the boss.
Or just simple stuff like a Warrior's overpower, which can only be used after your opponent dodges, and you have 2 seconds to use it. Or shifting as a Druid, and using your spells instantly so you don't remain in your weaksauce caster form long.
I'm not really sure exactly what it is I dislike, I just know I dislike it. I gave some possibilities, then explained why I liked Warcraft graphics.
They could be if you have a good group of friends who'll powerlevel you to second class.
Gee, wonder where I'll get those.
This post has been edited by Chaos Seraph: Sep 2 2007, 01:24 AM