Riviera FAQThis is a good FAQ, I'm not going to dispute that. My beef with him is on another thing entirely. If you look, he constantly says "I hate the English names," and "The Japanese names are soooooo much cooler." He does this even for names that are EXACTLY THE SAME. Oh shit, Fia has an extra 'a' sound at the end in the Japanese version! SUPERIOR! Oh fuck, Hekutaa just SOUNDS cooler than Hector! YEAH!!!
What the fuck is with this Japanophile bullshit? Hekutaa does not sound any better than Hector, your shitty faggot romaji skills don't help much either. Fucking Japanese elitist bullshit. Go choke on a nail or something.
I'm betting you he doesn't even know Japanese, he probably just goes "OMG JAPANESE SO SUPERIOR" because he's one of those Wappanese purist assholes.
I dunno, this is just one of my pet peeves, people who just indiscriminately go "Japanese is just SO much better, it R0x0rZ my B0X0rZ lol" while eating Pocky and drinking "KORAA" because people who say "Coke" are stupid gaijin bitches. I mean, I've learned a fair bit of Japanese myself, and I like the language, people like this just annoy me to no end.