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> World domination, Any suggestions?
post Jul 7 2006, 06:43 AM
Post #16

Not-so-peculiarly absent

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I say we pollute all of the water sources with something that seems like poison, tell everyone that they are poisoned, and say that the only way we will give the cure is if they hand everything over to us. Then tell them it's all fake.

But, before you tell them that, you must form a militia of people that have been brainwashed. After all, if the people are mad enough, they will try to revolt. If you have a big enough militia, you can rule without question.

These broken hearts are left with scars
Because of your lies
And all this time, it feels like I'm
Chasing shadows at midnight.

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post Jul 7 2006, 09:06 AM
Post #17

Architect of the Great Wall of Text

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Argh! Killer koala bears!!! The army has no chance against them!
EDIT: (Referring to Ultimaninja´s plan)

This post has been edited by P.P.A.: Jul 7 2006, 09:07 AM
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post Jul 10 2006, 08:13 AM
Post #18

Not-so-peculiarly absent

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but koala's arent even bears. Besides, just give them all the eucalyptus (sp?) they want and they shall be appeased.

These broken hearts are left with scars
Because of your lies
And all this time, it feels like I'm
Chasing shadows at midnight.

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post Jul 13 2006, 03:16 AM
Post #19

Sleepy Touhou gamer

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ok then none will laugh at my dreaded army of tricycle-ridding...Flaming-chainsaw juggling panda bears!

and then we have tightrope-walking grizzlybears with shotguns and bazookas...

and last but not least, the dog with shifty eyes (simpsons reference)!!!

and Enzd, I support whatever benefits me the or democrat could not be of less intrest to me

I have another name...Aquamentis...
I have worked with a friend named Yui to create a patch for a game called Touhoumon.
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