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QUOTE(GameBoo @ Oct 4 2008, 01:01 AM)
Metroid Prime trilogy: Started with 3, because I keep hearing on how the game has awesome graphics and such.
You play games for graphics?
You play WII games for graphics?
[13:27:43] [Sabator] peter would be the worst batman ever though. "turn on the bat-signal" "right!" *turns on huge foglight, beams an image of striped pantsu into the sky*
Group: Gods
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Pokemon Pearl: Decided to do contests. The World Ends with You: This is pretty great. I can't say where I am without spoiling. Oracle of Seasons: Finished Ages and in a linked game. 4th dungeon or so.
Starfox Assault: Pathetic, started and beat in about 4 hours. Custom Robo: beat "New Begining" and onto Grand Battle, tourney after Daimon's Tourney. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: FINALLY got through the 4th year by beating Daemon's court. The boss was disappointing compared to the Selepation Cave's boss (I didn't beat that one).
Valkyria Chronicles Demo- pretty fun from what I've played, I wish you could shoot more then once per move though, graphics are gorgeous.
Megaman 2-6- I tried the MM9 demo on the PS3, made me feel like playing the old school NES games, so I'm emulating the games on my PSP, just beat Airman with the help of Prince of Persia Rewind power >___>
Macross Ace Frontier-I'm in the original Macross saga right now, awesome game is awesome, lack of second analog stick ruins fighter mode though.
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Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean ~ Most awesome game. Fighting Giacamo right now, and I will be playing randomly during the following weeks.
Fushigi no Dungeon 2: Fūrai no Shiren - This game is tough :| I had to go through the first 6 levels a couple time; the monsters on the 6th level kept killing me. And it's annoying to regain all my levels and items :| It's making me GARBLARGH