QUOTE(Feral Phoenix @ Jan 3 2007, 11:06 AM)
I've beat the game.
Every statement you make indicates otherwise.
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Even Kylier said that she felt sorry for him.
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And don't forget, in the end, Nessy decides to trust Yggdra. I think that says a lot about his character.
No, it says
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that he was dying and understood everything was now out of his hands.
Not that I remember him ever saying that.
He has a few screws loose and he can be a royal pain, but I pity him.
Pitying him makes him less evil?
Whereas Hector doesn't seem to have any apparent reason for what he does. It's like he's going, "Gee, the gods are gone, I want their power now! Why? What do you mean, why? I just want it!"
He wants to make Asgard a better place. He wants to unite the worlds; Asgard and Utgard as one.
Again: Stick Hector with Marietta. We still have no clue why she turned evil either. :D
When did she become evil, again?
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