I'm starting this because information on the various Dept. Heaven episodes is scattered EVERYWHERE. This is initially to collect information about the games (credits, voices, dates and releases, etc.) that is usually considered to be too specialized for Wikipedia (but plenty that isn't will still be included), but eventually I want it to extend into a full on just-read-this-don't-bother-playing-the-game sort of documentation project including story synapses, character descriptions and information, and eventually I want this all on the site. I need everyone's help for this. I am about to post topics for each game with some preliminary information that I'm mostly drawing from Wikipedia and GFAQs, but I know there's tons more information on the boards (I'm pretty sure somewhere there's a full voice cast list for both Rivi and YU PSP). Feel free to post in the topics as soon as they go up to correct/add information. I'll be adding links to this first page as they go up.
RivieraYggdra UnionKnights in the Nightmare
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