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tempest drake
post Jun 3 2009, 06:40 AM
Post #1


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I have noticed something very odd about the PSP version of the extra chapter for Riviera....first of all, it's alot longer then the GBA version, there are several areas that you ust go through, you start with some mid level weapons...and...and you fight against 2 Ishers in the fourth room, all before you actually get to fight against Hades himself...

i actually like, as it makes this a bit funner then the original extra chapter since it gives a little flip to this chapter since you don't automatically fight against Hades and that's it, you actually have to work your way towards him in order to complete the whole chapter...though it get a little tedious

anyone else try this new chapter before

actually slash that, you might have to fight against atleast 3/5 of the Accursed in different types of groups

also sorry if i really am spoiling anything for anyone...since i don't know f anyone has played the psp version

This post has been edited by tempest drake: Jun 3 2009, 06:57 AM

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post Jun 3 2009, 09:42 AM
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Facepalm. This has been known for atleast a year.

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[20:15] Irysa: I made myself some curry
[20:15] Irysa: and then
[20:15] Irysa: I realised
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post Jun 3 2009, 09:45 AM
Post #3


Group: Knights
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Member No.: 45 do realize that the PSP version has been out for close to three years (2 for the US release) right? A LOT of people play the PSP version and many know about and have completed the remade Chapter 8. With several pages in this part of the forum I'm sure there is at least one topic that talks about it and it's probably a year or so old.

Learn to search or use search better. Also, 'funner' isn't a word.

EDIT: And Sauce beats me to it. Hooray for PSP posting.

This post has been edited by Enzd: Jun 3 2009, 09:48 AM

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