Also, the music is bland and stale to someone who isn't into the series much.
No, it just generally is. It lacks substance much of the time, instead going for trippiness that fails to deliver. And bear in mind, I enjoy more source tunes than I do remixes, and the medleys more than any of the others.
The series has a few notable differences from a lot of other SHMUPS, such as actually named bullet patterns and bullets that shoot bullets.
And other shumps have their own gimmicks too, just look at Ikaruga, or Gradius's objects. Your point?
Your entire argument is stupid anyways because you're comparing a doujin series to a bunch of games commercially released. Especially a series made by one guy.
It's not stupid at all. Both are games. A game doesn't instantly get less terrible just because one guy made it. I think Cave Story is probably a better fightan and exploran and platforman game than any of the new Castlevanias, fuck, it's on par with Super Metroid. Entirely one guy project.
Honestly, I'm sick and tired of people bashing Touhou. Asaph, you have no right to spout the fanbase off and wanting them to die just because you disagree with them on everything. I disagree with you all the time, but does that mean I want you to die? Do I want everyone at Konami to get caught in a nuclear explosion? Microsoft?
I wouldn't care less if you wanted them to. It's just a game, and this is a stupid wish.
Honestly Asaph, you're basically saying that anyone who doesn't share the same opinion as you sucks and should go climb a wall of dicks. You have no appreciation for other people's opinions.
I do. Just when they're not off scale and they start going nuts for about half an hour before running away crying when someone tells them to shut the fuck up.
This post has been edited by Irysa: Feb 14 2008, 03:26 PM
[13:27:43] [Sabator] peter would be the worst batman ever though. "turn on the bat-signal" "right!" *turns on huge foglight, beams an image of striped pantsu into the sky*