This thread needs no help being longest.
Anyways, update on my life: Tomorrow I have my Piano proficiency exam. Then, 1.5 hours later, I have to give my final presentation in my Child Psychology class. Then I come home and work. Because on Thursday I have my drawing portfolio due, and I'm finished with about six of the fifteen drawings due. Then I have to spend the weekend studying for Finals, because I am about four chapters behind in math and I haven't opened my art book at all, and I also have to write my final paper for Child Psychology and oh yeah I forgot on Saturday I have my ACTs and I have to get my ID renewed and zomgsoisnimsifmoasinfsaiunf
I fail at time management to allow this to happen to myself.
Писатель всегда будет в оппозиции к политике, пока сама политика будет в оппозиции к культуре.