QUOTE(Elnendil @ May 13 2011, 04:30 PM)
I've generalized it for the most part, the first two terms of calculus up to vector calculus wasn't hard to understand. Its just the vectors themselves, I don't fully understand how they act or function. I'll generalize it eventually. Some stuff I do get, though, like in some formulas the formula for arc length is used in the formula.
Also, I know there's harder math out there. I have to deal with it to graduate. It doesn't mean that its impossible to get stuck on a concept.
it's not about calculus being hard or easy, it's about it being annoying. calculus means practice, so i basically went out of my way to do as little of it as possible. everything interesting in calculus is taken out and put into a new field. what the heck is it with you always thinking that i'm making fun of you for, basically, being younger than me?
anyway, associate in your imagination vectors to velocity (speed and direction). an N-dimensional vector corresponds to velocity in N-dimensional space. if you're moving east at 4km/h and then you change your velocity by 6km/h toward north, which way are you going now? it's adding the 4 East vector to the 6 North vector. try to understand them together, and one dimension at a time.
a vector is a generalization of a number, in a way. a real number (or complex number, later) is a one-dimensional vector.
1d vector <=> real number <=> point on the number line
2d vector <=> two real numbers <=> two points on the number line <=> a point in a number, uh, infinite rectangle. a number plane
more generally, a vector is JUST something that you can shift around by other vectors (adding/subtracting) and stretch/scale.