There are some weird connections-
Like the Archangel vs Marietta pics (they're similar).
However, there's no story continuity between them.
Rivieria/YU Ending spoilers:
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Ein beats the pants off Hector. There is no "and then" after that.
Yggdra beats the pants off Marietta (or doesn't). There's nothing after that.
Also, the new heroine's name is Maria. Not Yggdra. It doesn't mean they couldn't have some relation but my guess is, they won't. The sword she is holding doesn't look like Gran Centurio. It doesn't look like Einherjar either.
EDIT: There was a big fat "1" on the sting website yesterday. Now there is a fast-moving counter. The counter displays tenths of seconds until expiration of the counter. By my calculations, there is 9.1 hours left on the counter which means it will expire at 10PM eastern std time today. Anyone know what time this is in Japan?
Edit2: When you play against someone in a turn-based game, either via hot seat or via internet, often there is a time limit placed on your turn to ensure the game moves along at a steady pace. It looks like the same type of time limit has been instituted here, but this time in single player mode.
This post has been edited by jcdietz03: Feb 17 2008, 03:58 PM