Statistics say that 45% of fatal accidents are caused by drunk driving. Therefore, you should drive while drunk as you have a lower chance of getting into a fatal accident.
The statistic applies to the total of Fatal Accidents, not the likeliness of getting into an accident while driving/drunk.
As we can see here, Mister Bob's hit percentage against left-handed pitches are higher than Joe's as well as his hit percentage against right-handed pitches compared to Joe's. However, when tallied up, as noted in TOTAL, Bob's hit percentage is LOWER than Joe's. These numbers do not lie. This is a paradox.
Your totals aren't the same, of course the percentages are gonna be messed up.
Assume an unborn baby has a 50% chance of becoming either a boy or a girl. You ask a male passersby if he has any siblings, and he says he has one sibling. What are the chances of his sibling being a male?
HINT: It is NOT 1/2.
The chances are 1/4.
A coin has no memory, etc.
Just because he was born male does not mean his sibling will be female to fit in with the laws of probability. It is STILL 50/50 because each situation completely self contained and individual.
Those were pretty easy to figure out.
This post has been edited by Irysa: Oct 16 2008, 01:45 AM
[13:27:43] [Sabator] peter would be the worst batman ever though. "turn on the bat-signal" "right!" *turns on huge foglight, beams an image of striped pantsu into the sky*