Well, it's just my personal opinion. It's okay if you disagree.
How is this Engrish? Do you now know English, because that's a requirement for identifying Engrish.
Thanks for the personal attack, Sturm. Much appreciated.
"Touch the box" -> "Press OK"
"Touch either box" -> something like "Select"
"Get ready!...Go!" is an English phrase. "Get ready!...Engage!" isn't. Though it is still grammatically correct.
I'm just not sure I know what "Drive Tech" is. Maybe that's why I think it's Engrish. It may not be. It's an abbreviation for something. Tech=Technique, which is an appropriate word for the situation. I'm just not sure what Drive is.
when you KILL (your way) OUT
This sounds awkward. "Fought your way out" or "All enemies defeated!" is more natural. There's space onscreen for it, too.
The warrior quote isn't Engrish, I just thought it sounded strange.
KILL. I would say DEAD because it indicates the current status of the enemy. The HP bar is displayed when the enemy isn't dead. It's not appropriate to put a verb there. Or at least use the proper tense: KILLED.