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Dr Strum
post Sep 30 2008, 11:29 PM
Post #46

Can Lead the Nation with a Microphone

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I got my copy today. Surprising; someone was actually at the apartment to get it.

Писатель всегда будет в оппозиции к политике, пока сама политика будет в оппозиции к культуре.
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post Oct 1 2008, 02:04 AM
Post #47


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For Strum:
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Don't look if you haven't beaten the game, or you'll DIE D:
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This post has been edited by Walrus: Oct 1 2008, 02:26 AM

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post Oct 1 2008, 02:37 AM
Post #48

We'll soak this parched earth with our own blood.

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I need to see what other music Hayashi has done.

[20:15] Irysa: I hate myself
[20:15] Irysa: I made myself some curry
[20:15] Irysa: and then
[20:15] Irysa: I realised
[20:15] Irysa: I wasn't hungry
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post Oct 1 2008, 09:40 AM
Post #49

Architect of the Great Wall of Text

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Translation: Atlus USA?!
Translation of what? IS the game dual-language after all?
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post Oct 1 2008, 07:04 PM
Post #50

Casual Chatter

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I have two questions about bosses.
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post Oct 1 2008, 07:42 PM
Post #51


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post Oct 2 2008, 01:36 AM
Post #52


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Blame Rhia. Definitely do not look if you haven't beaten the game and do not wish to be spoiled
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post Oct 2 2008, 02:03 AM
Post #53

Time Waster

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I don't think any of this is spoiler, someone please correct me if it is.

Here is information about enemy slots.
IPB Image
Take a look at the screenshot above.
To stop the reel, touch the Stop icon. You must stop all the reels, but you can choose the order.
Enemies you haven't defeated yet scroll through the reels. The first reel you stop spins really fast. The last reel you stop spins slowly.
The reels are color coded.
Look in the box below the text "TO THE VICTORY"
You have killed all enemies in a single row OR
You have killed all enemies in a single column OR
You have killed all enemies on either of the two diagonals
then you win. Called "Break Through" by the game.

If you stopped the red reel in the screen shot above, then you would fight the enemy where the red bar appears in the Victory table. Same for the green reel. During battle, these bars serve as enemy HP bars.

It isn't required to defeat all enemies in a turn. If you have not won in 26 turns (in the example above), then you lose.

On this screen, if you have defeated all enemies EXCEPT ONE in a single row, column, or diagonal, the KILL marks in that row, column, or diagonal are colored and blink.

Hits: Number of hits you've landed this turn.
Shoot: Shows when

There are special conditions that can occur when stopping the reels. If you see REACH! this means that defeating that enemy will result in victory. If you see HIGH LV!, this enemy is stronger than normal.

For later levels, there are four reels maximum. The number of enemies fought per turn equals the number of reels, for the most part, so you will fight more (up to 4) enemies per turn in later levels. In later levels, the turn limit is reduced. And the 3x3 grid seen in the screenshot above changes to 4x4 and then to 5x5. So you must kill more enemies before you win.

Information on Battle:
IPB Image
The obligatory battle screenshot.

Look at the box below "TO THE VICTORY." This is the enemy HP bar. I have already defeated one enemy (the KILL mark). The red spider is represented by the red HP bar (matching colors).

You control the wisp by scratching your touchpad. The wisp will follow the stylus. If you pick up the stylus, the wisp will move to where the stylus last touched and stay there until you put the stylus back down.

Bars on the left hand side:
There are three bars for the three enemies this turn. One is white because that enemy is defeated. When the little icon reaches the top of the screen, the enemy will initiate their attack.

Time Dir: This is how much time you have left this turn. I am not sure, but I think finishing a round with more time left will result in a higher rating. Moving your wisp around will not run the timer. The timer runs when you have "activated" (explained later) one of the knights, or when the wisp is hit by an enemy bullet. When you're out of time, the turn is over. The timer stops running when an attack is fully charged. There is no way to regain lost time.

MP bar: You need MP to launch special "BreakOut" attacks. You don't need MP for regular attacks. How to get MP: Run the wisp over "diamond" icons. A lot of them appear when an enemy is hit by a regular attack. Fewer appear when an enemy is hit by a special attack. Stronger attacks need more MP. Attacks charged for a longer period of time need more MP. An attack will stop charging (or fail to work at all) if you run out of MP. The "7" in the upper right of the screenshot is part of the MP gauge. It means the gauge can empty 7 times before it's totally empty.

EXP: How much EXP points you currently have.

Items: These appear on both screens. It's wrong in the screenshot above due to emulation problems - the items look the same on top and bottom screen. There are six types of weapons corresponding to six types of knights.

The hexagonal blue icons: I have no idea what these are. They drop from enemies when they're defeated.

The red circular icons: Collecting these will help you level up weapons. There are twelve types of circular icons - one for each of the five "Sting Elements," one for each of the six types of weapon, and a 12th one I can't remember right now. They fall toward the bottom of the screen. It's important to collect them quickly.

The squarish icons: These are items. Running the wisp over them will collect them and add them to your inventory.

Bottom screen - the arrows mark the position of your stylus if it's down. They don't appear if your stylus isn't down. The glowing circle is the position of the wisp. Numbers where Knights are standing are the current VIT stat. It's sort of like HP. When monsters aren't busy attacking the wisp, they attack your knights directly, depleting VIT. VIT regenerates after battle. However, if a knight runs out of VIT during a battle, it's the end for him/her. Numbers under enemy positions are HP totals. If an enemy runs out of HP, it's defeated.

Phase: Each knight's attack pattern is different depending on whether it's "Chaos Phase" © or "Law Phase" (L). I decline to say which I like better - such a statement would be fraught with peril. In the top screen, next to the items, you see some items have a "C" mark and others have an "L" mark. This indicates that the item's special attack can be used during the respective phase. Some items have both and L and a C mark.

How to change the phase: Place the stylus on the small diamond icon (representing the phase you want to change to) and move the stylus up and to the left. You can do this as many times as you want; it doesn't cost time or MP.

How to attack:
Regular attack: Place the stylus on a knight and leave it there for about 0.5 second. "[Knight] Activated!" sound plays. As long as the stylus is down the attack will charge. While the attack is charging, the attack area will slowly increase. The attack area is represented by blue or red squares. The attack pattern is different for each of the six types of knights. Lift the stylus to execute the attack.

Special attack: Place the stylus on an item. Leave it there for about 0.5 second. If you can use the item during the current phase, a white border will appear around the item to show it's been selected. Leaving the stylus down, move the stylus to a knight that can use the item. Leave it there for about 0.5 second. "[Knight] Activated!" sound plays. The attack will charge as above. However, when fully charged, "Charging!" sound will play. This means special attack is ready to be used. Charging further will result in increased damage. When the attack can't be charged any more, "Full Power!" sound plays. Lift the stylus to execute the attack.

This post has been edited by jcdietz03: Oct 2 2008, 02:53 AM
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post Oct 2 2008, 02:47 AM
Post #54

We'll soak this parched earth with our own blood.

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26 is the turn limit it gives for Easy mode. In Normal it's usually 6, but I've noticed on some scenes it differs. Scene 4 for example gives you seven, while some late-game scene gives you like 20.

[20:15] Irysa: I hate myself
[20:15] Irysa: I made myself some curry
[20:15] Irysa: and then
[20:15] Irysa: I realised
[20:15] Irysa: I wasn't hungry
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post Oct 2 2008, 05:01 AM
Post #55


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Alright then. I've beaten Normal mode, and unlocked Hard Mode. Don't read further if you don't wish to be spoiled about Kitten.
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Dr Strum
post Oct 2 2008, 05:07 AM
Post #56

Can Lead the Nation with a Microphone

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I need to see what other music Hayashi has done.

I don't know what he's done aside from work for Sting, but his exact role on the YU soundtrack was the character's battle themes (and the odd song here and there, such as "We'll Never Fight Alone"). He also did some of the more interesting battle themes on Riviera, such as Hector's.

Писатель всегда будет в оппозиции к политике, пока сама политика будет в оппозиции к культуре.
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post Oct 2 2008, 08:20 AM
Post #57

Architect of the Great Wall of Text

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post Oct 2 2008, 12:15 PM
Post #58

I'm really moved by the chicken bone

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So NCSX has come to the rescue of my kitten.

IPB Image
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post Oct 4 2008, 02:06 AM
Post #59


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I'm fairly certain that VIT lowers whenever you tell a character do an action (Normal attack, Breakout, Max Breakout)

Look on the bottom screen as you tell a character does an action; every action takes away a bit from their VIT when the action is completed. From what I can gather, a normal attack takes 0.10 VIT, a break-out takes 0.50 VIT, and a max break-out (the one where the bar fills twice) takes 1.00 VIT. Can someone confirm this for me?

Also, as you said, certain enemy attacks can deal damage to a knights, e.g.) Wolf's bite
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post Oct 4 2008, 02:39 AM
Post #60


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I posted that same information in a topic on GFAQs. It's known by some of the people here that have played it, most likely.

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