Progress report: The thing I've been working on allows the users to have a slightly larger part in the site, and to lighten the mods' load, partly by lightening the effort required in fan content updating (and most content, actually) and partly by allowing it to be distributed. That thing would be allowing users to directly upload to the site, and tag the files with all the information necessary, for example, saying to which game (or games) it belongs, a title, a description, sets of images (for comics and wallpapers), setting the images to be private, and an actual tag system like what you might find on or danbooru. Once submitted, as long as it's not set to private, it appears in the queue, a mod simply checks it over to make sure it's not inappropriate for the site, and approves it and it's immediately up in the gallery, as well as linked directly in/to the creator's profile, allowing anyone to see, as well as comment on - yes, there will be commenting for individual images.
Right now the whole system is in place, I really just have to make it more secure and finish adding the sort methods and such.
Писатель всегда будет в оппозиции к политике, пока сама политика будет в оппозиции к культуре.