Geez, I'm giving constructive criticism here. CONSTRUCTIVE. I'm providing examples, and detailing how to improve.
And you think I'm telling you to quit.
You shouldn't be even trying if you're expecting everyone to go OMG AWESOME.
Don't talk like you were stating facts, Irysa.
There's people who actually like a Wallpaper when it has many images.
Then you have some fucked up preferences, as anything with more than 3 is a total mess. Wallpapers aren't made to look at in detail, they're made to take in as a whole.
And you deny that my examples aren't accurate in their presentation of what one is better?
You don't SERIOUSLY think that the latter one is the superior wallpaper, do you?
Give me 5 examples of good wallpaper where there are more than 5 images, and I will eat my hat.
Oh and, lastly
Everyone has their own style. That happens to be mine.
Do not not not not not not not not not not not fucking try to justify off incompetence with a "uniqueness" card.
Your style is the style of someone who's new to it. And guess what, there is nothing wrong with being new. There is something wrong with making something new, making a decent attempt at it, and then having the gall to think it's good enough to make criticism apparently a personal attack.
This is EXACTLY how I progressed when I first started doing graphics. Throw 3 images on a generic banner with a random photoshop texture + filter + words. Repeatxzillion times, got praise from a majority, and got miffed when people who actually had experience started giving better advice. Eventually, I hit the point where I realised they were entirely right all along, went with it for a while, then quit due to realising the effort in actually making good shit is something I can't be bothered with.
This post has been edited by Irysa: Apr 20 2008, 07:59 PM
[13:27:43] [Sabator] peter would be the worst batman ever though. "turn on the bat-signal" "right!" *turns on huge foglight, beams an image of striped pantsu into the sky*